=====Trådfri Smart Light=====
IKEA has expanded its smart home range and now also offers intelligent home lighting. The product range of the Swedish furniture company includes LED lamps and light panels as well as doors with LED lighting that can be dimmed by remote control and, in some cases, even changed in color temperature.
The control works according to the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zigbee|Zigbee-Standard]] similar to the [[http://www2.meethue.com/de-de|PHILIPS Hue System]] and can be via an [[http://www.ikea.com/de/de/catalog/products/40337806/|IKEA Gateway]] controlled by an App.
The Zigbee technology for the control is in each lamp itself.
At a price of 7.99 € for the [[https://www.ikea.com/de/de/p/tradfri-led-leuchtmittel-gu10-400-lm-kabellos-dimmbar-warmes-tageslicht-60420041/|LED lamp with GU10 socket]] this is pretty cheap, after all, it to include the controller, power supply and dimmer ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse-width_modulation|PWM-Control]]). You can hardly get Zigbee-capable components cheaper. You quickly get the idea to look up and maybe abuse the control for your own projects. The [[https://www.heise.de/make/artikel/Das-steckt-in-Ikea-Tradfri-3597295.html|Make article]] describes the first attempts at this.
==== Dismantle of the Zigbee controller ====
The LED lamp with GU10 connection can be easily opened by levering out the cover with a screwdriver.
{{ :tech:screen_shot_2017-11-07_at_13.57.45.png?direct&100 |GU10 lamp}}
The circuit board with the 5 LEDs mounted on an aluminum carrier for heat dissipation appears. The LED carrier is held by 2 screws and the soldered connection for the electrical connection to the control module.
{{ :tech:tradfri_gu10_1.png?direct&200 |Top view of the LED module}}
Then remove the LED circuit board with a bit of desoldering braid and the control module with the transverse Zigbee controller appears.
{{ :tech:tradfri_gu10_2.png?direct&200 |The control module behind the LED circuit board}}
The whole unit can be easily pulled out as it is only connected to the GU10 socket via contact springs.
{{ :tech:gu10_controller.png?direct&300 |Control module from above}}
The Zigbee controller can now be freed from the control module again with the help of desoldering braid. It is now available for your own projects.
{{ :tech:tradfri_module.png?direct&400 |Zigbee module without shield}}
The supply voltage for the module is 3.3V as usual. By the way, all lamps have the same module. For lamps without a white spectrum, only one PWM output is used and mode pins 1 + 2 are open. With the White-Spectrum lamps, Mode1 is clamped to 3.3V. I have not yet determined the function of Mode2. \\
If you also look into the other lamps, you can see the different electrical structures summarized here in a table:
==== Trådfri lamps ====
^ LED Lamp | E27 1000lm \\ (warm white) | E27 980lm \\ (white spectrum) | GU10 400lm \\ (warm white) | GU10 400lm \\ (white spectrum) |
^ LED Type| 18x LED3030 (2700K) | 12x LED3030 (2200K) \\ 12x LED3030 (4000K) | 5x LED2835 (3000K) | 4x LED3030 (2200K) \\ 4x LED3030 (4000K) |
^ LED cluster | 2x 9 LEDs %%||%% | 2x 6 LEDs %%||%% (2200K) \\ 2x 6 LEDs %%||%% (4000K) | 5x (LEDs %%||%% 56K) | 4x LEDs (2200K) \\ 4x LEDs (4000K) |
^ ILED module | ~400mA | 2x ~400mA | ~47mA | 2x ~200mA |
^ VLED module | ~54V | ~36V | ~110V | ~26V |
Depending on the existing third-party LED lamp, you may even be able to reuse the entire controller. The E27 (1000lm) module can only be removed with great difficulty because it is completely encapsulated. With the E27 (980lm) lamp it is a little easier because the module is also cast in here, but internally encapsulated again. It is therefore easier to pull out.
{{ :tech:tradfri_980lm_komplett.jpg?direct&400 |}}
The rear connection cables are either connected directly to luster terminals or, as shown in the picture, a soldered connection extends the connection range. For the other side I also lasered a protective cap so that only the LED connections and the Zigbee antenna protrude outside {{:tech:tradfri_dual_cover.svg.zip | SVG file}}.
==== Own projects with the Trådfri controller ====
If you want to convert your own LED lights to Trådfri, you first have to look at the existing LED driver. The type of control is almost as diverse as the lights themselves. Here are two examples:
{{:tech:led_driver_orig1.png?direct&300|LED Driver with constant current 1000mA}}
{{:tech:led_driver_orig2.png?direct&300|LED Driver with constant current 400mA}}
The right lamp fits pretty well into the control range of the original Trådfri module with white spectrum. Therefore the module from the E27 980lm lamp can be used completely. But be careful, we are handling mains voltage here. When installed, the control looks very compact.
{{ :tech:img_0042.jpg?direct&300 |The new interior of the four-flame LED light}}
The Zigbee communication even through the metal housing of the lamp works surprisingly well.
With the second LED luminaire, SMD LEDs are also arranged in parallel and therefore require a higher constant current of 1000mA. For the conversion, I now need a power supply of 3.3V and a PWM controllable LED driver for the Zigbee module. My choice fell on the following components:
* [[https://www.ebay.de/itm/1-Stuck-1000mA-Power-LED-KSQ-8-32V-IN-0-30V-OUT-dimmbar-Konstantstromquelle/351581459135?hash=item51dbe352bf:g:hFoAAOSw401Z-KLG|1000mA Power LED KSQ 8-32V IN / 0-30V OUT, dimmbar Konstantstromquelle]]
* [[http://www.ebay.de/itm/231799511502|mini DC-DC Wandler XM1584 step-down Modul 3A 0,8V - 20V]]
which when connected together result in the new Trådfri compatible LED driver. Glued into a lasered housing for encapsulation. The 'new' lamp now behaves like an E27 980lm Trådfri lamp and can be taught accordingly. Of course, other currents and voltages can also be implemented with a suitable LED driver.
{{ :tech:schemtic_new_controller.png?direct&500 |}}
{{ :tech:new_controller.jpg?direct&300 |}}
If you want to use the constant current source in the lamp, the circuit can be simplified somewhat. The PWM signal of the TRÅDFRI module is then sent to a Power MOSFET (e.g. IRLZ34N). The whole thing can then look like this as a module:
{{ :tech:img_4391_2.jpg?direct&400 |}}
==== Modification OMLOPP/ANSLUTA LED Driver ====
Within the TRADFRI series there are LED doors for installation e.g. in wall cabinets but LED light strips or shelf lamps are (still) missing. The alternative remote controlled IKEA shelf and kitchen lighting [[http://www.ikea.com/de/de/catalog/products/90300773/|ANSLUTA]] works with a proprietary protocol in the frequency range of 2.4362 GHz. It would be charming to convert this control to TRADFRI.
The OMLOPP / ANSLUTA LED Power Supply contain the receiver that can be coupled with the ANSULTA remote control. It works as a constant voltage source with 24V.
{{ :tech:omlopp_led_driver.jpg?direct&500 |}}
{{ :tech:omlopp_led_driver_receiver_2.jpg?direct&340|}}
Switching and dimming is done by a Power MOSFET (FDD8880) which can be seen at the top right. The receiver board is approx. 40 x 27 mm. There is enough space there to install the TRÅDFRI control instead.
The matching circuit looks like this:
{{ :tech:omlopp_new_controller.png?direct&500 |}}
With the help of a breadboard, the three components are wired and clipped in place of the ANSLUTA receiver. But be careful, the components must not protrude more than 8mm from the PCB. So that the housing cover fits on it again, it helps to remove the pin in the middle beforehand.
{{ :tech:omloop_led_driver_deckel.jpg?direct&300|}}
After assembly, only the lamp needs to be taught in and the light in shelves or kitchens can be continuously controlled and dimmed with TRÅDFRI.